2000 AND SICK...
the new year is made to bring in the new and reflect on the past...for me at least. sometimes an excuse or a reason to startover and get that clean slate. and where was i last year? well last year i had just left thailand...was there for only 5 days and left bangkok 2 hours before the tsunami (makes me wonder). todays the 7th, so by the 7th i had spent a week and half tour of myanmar (burma) and was in nepal...first time in a completely socialist country (burma), no email and no cellphones. a blessing and a threat. especially when your trying to reach loved ones who are freaking out about you and the tsunami. nonetheless it was memorable, interesting though how everything was the same and how that reflected the country. the country has got its fair share of drug traficking, revolutionary activisits (of course they are also on house arrest) and crime. but for the most part they all dress the same, look the same and lead the same lives. wether your old, young, poor, rich it just didnt matter. women an men dress the same and there lives consist of paying tributes to their temples. the stupas (temples) are covered in complete gold and some of the ruins are just breathtaking. anyway if i continue talking bout my year like this ill be here forever. so after burma i went back home to nepal where i spent new years. i hadnt been back in four years...weird how much a certain place can make all your worries go away. and thats how i started off my year last year....and how my year continued...graduated and recieved a muthafuckin BA. took my first (and defintely not my last) trip to south america. had my heart broken (yeah tear. by the fifth breakup u become numb). produced my first documentary. finally experienced the big apple. became an aunty. moved out from a place i called home with people i called family after 5 years and moved back home to the east bay. underwent knee surgery. and oh yeah im still living...my grandma turned 90 too. i probably couldnt tell you just one great memory i had in the 05 cause there were like 39. and i plan on doubling it in the 06, by:
* getting a more stable job (a place where i really beleive in what they do)
* move back to the city (maybe not for the entire year)
* learn how to fundraise and grant write so i can begin to get funding money for my next documentary and learn about how to start a non-profit
* save enough money to move to nepal or india (beg of 08)
* save enough money to live in spain for 4-5 months (end of 07)
ok so im obviously not going to accomplish all these in 2006 and i tend not to lead a life with complete certainty aka who really knows what will happen tommorrow. but this is my year where it all comes together. its my fucking year. real talk, according to the tibetan calendar 2006 is the year of the male dog and i was born in the year of the dog. your year comes every 12 years. it is a year in which you proceed with prosperity and caution. you can gain or you can lose, its all up to you and its all on you. physically, finanically and emotionally according to the buddhists its a year that can go in either direction.
on that note: this year was a blurr
funny how shit can change and switch up fragile to ripp on you. ive spent too much of my young life just trying to stich shit up im living day by day now every step is play by play hand to mouth im going to make the moments count. working my way up from the bottom to the top of the ladder and claim what is rightfully mine. starting to see the picture painted and what my destiny is fated for. and its not for easy times but i put my heart in it. im ready.
* getting a more stable job (a place where i really beleive in what they do)
* move back to the city (maybe not for the entire year)
* learn how to fundraise and grant write so i can begin to get funding money for my next documentary and learn about how to start a non-profit
* save enough money to move to nepal or india (beg of 08)
* save enough money to live in spain for 4-5 months (end of 07)
ok so im obviously not going to accomplish all these in 2006 and i tend not to lead a life with complete certainty aka who really knows what will happen tommorrow. but this is my year where it all comes together. its my fucking year. real talk, according to the tibetan calendar 2006 is the year of the male dog and i was born in the year of the dog. your year comes every 12 years. it is a year in which you proceed with prosperity and caution. you can gain or you can lose, its all up to you and its all on you. physically, finanically and emotionally according to the buddhists its a year that can go in either direction.
on that note: this year was a blurr
funny how shit can change and switch up fragile to ripp on you. ive spent too much of my young life just trying to stich shit up im living day by day now every step is play by play hand to mouth im going to make the moments count. working my way up from the bottom to the top of the ladder and claim what is rightfully mine. starting to see the picture painted and what my destiny is fated for. and its not for easy times but i put my heart in it. im ready.
myanmar (burma) yangon bus
ruins in bagan
bikes on boats
nepal bishaal bazaar
thamel street scene
prayer wheels, bodha temple
brasil ipanema beach
salao do encontro kids
favela rochina
the crew dayz
http://public.fotki.com/rinchenlama/ (more pictures)
www. salaodoencontro.com (check out the documentary!)
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