::as told by rinchen lama::

06 June 2006

please fucking vote.

nepal is in absolute turmoil. so stop whining about gas prices.

think the most important thing about todays voting are the props:

Prop 81: Fix the libraries! Pros: Everyone loves the library! Cons: But do you love the library enough to pay more taxes for it?

Prop 82: Daycare for everyone! Pros: Daycare for everyone! Cons: Who's paying for daycare for everyone? (Answer: rich people).

SF Proposition summaries after the jump.
Daly's been working hard -- three out of four of these propositions are his.

Prop A: Should we start a homicide task force? Pros: Learning how to commit homicides! Cool! Okay, we're kidding. Learning about the reasons why people commit homicides, what could it hurt? Cons: Isn't this a waste of time when we should just be going out there and solving homicides?

Prop B: Should prospective home owners be told whether tenants were Ellis Acted out of the house for sale? Pros: Would you want to buy a house from a mean landlord who kicked someone out of the house to sell it to you for an exorbitant sum of money? Cons: This'll just drive up real estate prices, and if you don't get into the SF housing market now, you'll be priced out FOREVER! .... forever.... forever.... forever....

Prop C: Should we make Gavin Newsom attend all meetings of the Transbay Terminal project in person? Pros: It's hilarious! Cons: Would Gavin actually show up? Also, like the street signs say, don't you want to stop CHRIS DALY'S POWER GRAB (mysterious picture of a Caltrain)?

Prop D: Should we let private companies develop more public nursing homes? Pros: Laguna Honda doesn't really treat old people right, and construction czar Joe O'Donoghue's really, really worried. Cons: This is all a ploy for Joe O'Donoghue to make more money. This is the only non-Daly proposition on the ballot this go-around.

Just so you guys know, there's been some back and forth on this one -- progressive king Matty Gonzo's come out in favor of D, but all the other progressives (and many others) have universally taken a no on (Joe O')-D position, after Joe wrote a badly-scanning poem making fun of Robert Haaland's transgender status in the context of Robert's no-on-D stance.

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