::as told by rinchen lama::

09 February 2007

weekend guide

here comes the weekend and your fellow weekend warrior's favorite question: whats cracking this weekend?

Massan & Goto are having a Photo Show over at Space Gallery (next door to the hemlock) tonight starting @ 7PM

Shane is on the game this year with the Mission Creek Music Festival
Some glorious bands locally and across the country will be blessing the city this May so they're having a fundraiser tonight over @ 12 Galaxies (Mission inbetween 21st/22nd)

*Mission Creek Music Festival Fundraiser and Dance*
Hey Willpower!
Captain Ahab
DJ Kid 606

Then head over to Amensia or Rickshaw (whatevers closer folks its gonna rainnnn)

After Hours:
Disco D Tribute over @ Mighty

Really looking forward to heading out to this installation at the semi-new (to me) GrayArea Gallery FAST-FORWARD/REWIND
plus Official Tourist & The Mall will be providing the jams and visuals!
digital media....*drooool*

Fast Forward / Rewind is a group installation exhibition featuring a medley of mediums from sewn paper to live radio transmission, psychedelic painted landscapes and multi channel video. The show draws conceptually upon the themes of time and technology, from obsolete prophecies of the future to a fluid fictional archeology. Based on a show that was exhibited in New York in the Fall of 2006, seven artists from east and west coasts play with spatial and temporal planes for the GrayArea Gallery.

Then there's another group show over at White Walls with ADAM-5100
* My Favorite Color * (aka all about money)
also featuring:Kim Cogan, Eric Bailey, Damon Soule, Akira, Regino Gonzalez, Bigfoot, Tim McKormick, Sub, Albert Reyes, Ian Johnson, Coro, and Ben Frost

And Jason and Crew are performing at Rickshaw!!!

Let the madness begin.

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